Am I Allowed to Love Myself?

Am I Allowed to Love Myself?

Exploring what might be happening when we’re spiraling around inner peace, but can’t seem to get there. What might be in the way and how to navigate it.

Show Notes:

  • Disclaimer- This episode can be run away with and misunderstood in approximately a million ways. I’m sharing it anyway. This is just a start to a much bigger and more personal exploration for each listener. You are free to take it wherever you need to, but I highly recommend you sort through whatever it stirs for you with a mental health professional, or a trusted loved one. 

  • Here’s the complicated celebrity drama that stirred this question up for me. I have no opinion about this drama other than the fact that it led to the asking of some big questions regarding abortion healing. 

  • Sometimes loving someone means holding them accountable to consequences.

  • Are we allowed to love a rapist?

    • Can we love and have compassion for the parts of them we know outside their crime, while also holding them accountable to the consequence of their action?

  • If you are struggling to find peace after abortion it could be because you have mixed messaging swirling in your head about your relationship with abortion.

  • Some questions to ponder:

    • Can I love myself, or how can I love myself, regardless of the choices I’ve made?

    • Do I believe that there is a natural consequence for people who have had abortions?

    • Do I like this belief system and want to keep it?

    • If no-Am I willing to cultivate a new belief system?

    • If yes- How can I hold myself accountable?

    • Who will I become when I’m willing to explore this? What becomes possible for me?

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Make your "What If"s Work for You

Make your "What If"s Work for You

Done Playing Small

Done Playing Small